HELENA, Mont. – Today, Governor Greg Gianforte proclaimed the month of May Jewish-American Heritage Month in Montana.
“Now, more than ever, it’s important we stand in solidarity with our Jewish brothers and sisters as Jewish people around the world face unspeakable persecution, including harassment from antisemitic and pro-Hamas protesters,” Gov. Gianforte said. “This month, and every month, we celebrate the many positive contributions that the Jewish community has provided our nation and reaffirm our unwavering support for the nation of Israel and her people.”
Gov. Gianforte joining Rabbi Bruk to proclaim Jewish-American Heritage Month
During a signing ceremony at the capitol, Gov. Gianforte joined Rabbi Chaim Bruk of the Chabad Lubavitch of Montana to declare Jewish-American Heritage Month and condemn the rise of antisemitism across the country.
Last week, Gov. Gianforte joined 26 other governors in recognizing May as Jewish-American Heritage Month. The governors expressed their solidarity with the nation's Jewish community, which is facing targeted, deliberate, and antisemitic attacks from anti-Israel and pro-Hamas protesters.
In April, on the six-month anniversary of a Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, Gov. Gianforte ordered the Israeli flag to stand alongside the flags of the United States and Montana until all hostages, including American citizens, are returned home.
Following the terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas in Israel, Gov. Gianforte issued a directive for all flags in Montana to be flown at half-staff as a sign of respect for the innocent lives lost.
And in a show of solidarity with Jewish communities worldwide and Israel, he attended a vigil at the Chabad Lubavitch Center of Jewish Life and Learning in Bozeman.
The proclamation may be viewed here.