Governor Gianforte Welcomes $160 Million TDS Telecom Broadband Investment

TDS Telecom To Create 70 Montana Jobs

Governor's Office
  • March 09 2023

MISSOULA, Mont. – Governor Greg Gianforte today welcomed TDS Telecom (TDS) to Montana, celebrating the company’s $160 million investment to deliver its all-fiber network to communities across the state.

“Through the expansion of its fiber network in Montana, TDS Telecom will provide reliable service to over 100,000 homes and businesses and support 70 Montana jobs,” Gov. Gianforte said. “Montana is open for business, and we’re thrilled TDS recognizes the value in our pro-business, pro-jobs policies and Montanans’ unparalleled work ethic.”


Gov. Gianforte joins TDS’ Drew Petersen to cut a ribbon on the new TDS warehouse in Missoula

During an event at the Missoula warehouse that will house the fiber technology, TDS announced its plans to bring 8Gig internet to more than 35,000 homes and businesses in Missoula, and three times as many statewide.

Gov. Gianforte joined Drew Petersen, TDS Senior Vice President of Corporate Affairs, to cut the ribbon on the new warehouse.

“We love Montana – it’s open for business and has great people who make even greater TDS associates,” Petersen said, explaining why TDS chose to expand its fiber network to Montana. “Frankly, you have similar values that we do – work hard and work as a team – we also value integrity, good schools, and strong communities.”

Representing a $160 million investment by TDS, the deployment of the fiber network will create 70 Montana jobs.

TDS’ investment in Montana follows the governor’s historic $309 million investment last December to expand access to reliable broadband for 62,000 families, small businesses, farms, and ranches in unserved and underserved communities.

According to the Federal Communications Commission, about 1 in 3 Montanans do not have access to broadband, which is three times the national average. The digital divide is even greater in Montana’s rural communities where 3 in 5 Montanans do not have access to broadband.

“Montanans’ access to broadband is essential in the 21st century, increasing health care, education, and career options, and helping Montana businesses grow, prosper, and create more good-paying jobs,” the governor added.

Expanding access to reliable broadband and recruiting job-creating businesses to Montana to create greater opportunities for Montanans are central elements of Governor Gianforte’s Montana Comeback Plan.
