Governor Gianforte Announces Montana Named Best State for Doctors

Governor's Office
  • March 29 2024

HELENA, Mont. – Today, Governor Greg Gianforte announced Montana is the best state in the nation for doctors, according to a recent study conducted by WalletHub. 

“Montana's commitment to quality health care and its dependable, hardworking health care workforce make it the best state in the nation for doctors to practice medicine,” Gov. Gianforte said. “We’ll continue to invest in strengthening our workforce and making Montana the best place to live, work, and raise a family.”

WalletHub ranked Montana as the best state in the nation for doctors weighing 19 key metrics including opportunity, competition, and the medical environment in each state.

The study reveals Montana has the lowest rate of physicians reporting career burnout and one of the highest retention rates in the country, with over 63% of medical residents training here and ending up staying here.

“WalletHub concludes what Montanans already know. We invite exceptional healthcare providers to continue to join our communities, provide quality care, and experience our way of life,” Gov. Gianforte continued.

Improving access to affordable, high-quality health care in Montana is a top priority of the Gianforte administration.

Read more about the recent study from WalletHub here.

