HELENA, Mont. – Governor Greg Gianforte and Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) Director Amanda Kaster today announced the historic investment of more than $92 million to public schools from Montana trust lands revenue.
“Thanks to DNRC’s responsible management of state trust lands, this historic $92 million investment will help our students have resources they need to succeed and reach their full potential,” Gov. Gianforte said. “We will continue to ensure our schools are fully funded to support students, teachers, and parents.”
DNRC manages state trust lands to produce revenue for its trust beneficiaries. Revenues generated from Montana’s trust lands are allocated to the Office of Public Instruction (OPI) to fund K-12 education.
The revenue generated this year is an historic amount due to multi-year hydro-electric lease rental payments being distributed from escrow.
State trust lands serve as a crucial source of revenue to enhance educational programs, facilities, and resources, support educational excellence, and further the development of Montana’s education system.
“We are proud to play a key role in supporting the education of Montana's students. The department is committed to ensuring state trust lands continue to provide benefits for present and future generations,” said DNRC Director Amanda Kaster.
The allocated funds will be strategically utilized to address specific needs identified by OPI, including technology upgrades, curriculum development, and facility improvements.